Delivery time: small orders 3-7 days, outerwear & backpacks 2-3 weeks

History & Philosophy

When Hubert Müller-Bauer laid the foundations for Hubertus GmbH (then still called MB-Filze) in a converted cowshed in 1992 and started out with hand-felted hats and felt seat cushions, the philosophy was hardly any different than it is today: 

    • Processing of high-quality loden and felt qualities made exclusively from 100% virgin sheep's wool

    • Own handcrafted processing (today in our factory in Lößnitz)

    • innovative product development based on the outstanding material properties of the natural product and the goal of perfect function

    • Versatile and toughest paxi tests before a product is offered

    • Personal, uncomplicated service and always open to the wishes of customers

    In 2018, Hubertus GmbH was taken over by the Colloredo-Mansfeld family and has continued to operate with the tried-and-tested company philosophy ever since. A lot has happened in recent years and we have used the time during the pandemic to reorganise the company internally and adapt our marketing and sales to the new age. There are many new hubertusloden articles and existing articles have been further improved to offer our customers the best possible quality and functionality. In addition to our in-house articles, you will now also find merchandise that we have extensively tested and found to be very good. This is partly due to the acquisition of the company "Halali & Co." in 2020.

    To avoid confusion with other companies, we changed the company name to "hubertusloden GmbH" in 2022. Our customers already liked to use this name anyway - so this was an easy decision.

    The name change was accompanied by the introduction of a new logo and the launch of a completely new online shop with a modern look. We now offer new payment options, improved user-friendliness and many new functions.

    We had to close our shop in Munich with a heavy heart for various reasons. We are planning to open another shop in the near future, most likely in Austria - in the wonderful Enns Valley.